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For any accessibility questions, contact us at (877) 560-3456 or info@oxfordfilmfest.com and we will be sure to help in any way!

Open Captioning / Transcription

Film are labeled in the online guide if open or closed captioning is available. If a film or Q&A is not accessible, please contact us for post-transcription. All virtual Q&As in Eventive have captioning built in. Let us know if you would like ASL services.

We transcribe all podcasts.


Have trouble standing in lines? We have accessible seating for you just by the theater door to allow you first entrance into the theater. See an usher for assistance. Need assistance to stand during movie? Just reach out to any of the ushers or screen managers.

Accessible Buildings

All venues that the Oxford Film Festival uses are fully accessible either by ramp or wheelchair access. The drive-in venues also have ADA compliant bathrooms.

Low Sensory Area

All venues have a quiet space if needed. Please let an usher or volunteer know if assistance is needed.